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Top Mobile Veterinarian In Bellevue WA


Our pets are family, and we want the best for them! Unfortunately, finding the time to schedule a wellness check, get vaccinations taken care of, or even have a small issue checked up on can turn into a major challenge between work and other life commitments.

In the battle between veterinary appointments and work, well, the vet rarely wins. The great news is that we don’t actually have to make that choice, at least, not anymore. Mobile veterinary services are the future of pet care, and finding the top mobile veterinarian in Bellevue to drop in for a check-up is no longer the challenge it once was.

A great mobile veterinarian in Bellevue can offer a number of things, including flexibility, preventative care, vaccinations, diagnostic services, medications, and counseling on your pet’s overall health. The combination of these can seriously improve both your quality of life, and your pet’s. The best part about it, it’s all done from the convenience of your own home, and you can cater services to fit into your budget. The right veterinarian will leave you with little to worry about outside of your pet – which is certainly how it should be

The best mobile veterinarian in Bellevue is also one that can offer you options for end of life care, at-home euthanasia, and after passing services. This can be an incredibly difficult time, and some terribly difficult decisions, but a trusted veterinarian can help in these choices, and counsel on the best course of action for your pet. Let’s be honest, no one wants to deal with this part of pet ownership. But, because we have to, the right mobile veterinarian can help. Honestly, a little help is never a bad thing!

If you’re looking for a mobile veterinarian in Bellevue, or just have questions on how it works or what is specifically covered, feel free to email Dr. Montgomery at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Remember, the right mobile veterinarian is there for you and your pet, and is happy to answer your questions. So, ask away!

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Choosing a Mobile Veterinarian in West Seattle

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Montgomery Mobile

Mobile vet serving the Seattle area, we are equipped to provide the care your companion needs in the comfort of your own home.

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