By Montgomery Mobile on Tuesday, 18 February 2020
Category: Blog

In Home Pet Euthanasia in Fremont, WA

As pet-owners, we always want to be doing what’s best for our animal companions. You get them active with their favorite toys or walks, you take them to work and cafes with you, you get them regular teeth cleanings and annual exams and even surgeries when they need them.

Unfortunately, there is still another difficult decision to be made, one that determines when it’s time to finally say goodbye to your beloved pet. If you’re in the Fremont area, you may want to consider the benefits of in-home pet euthanasia during that difficult time.

One of the many benefits of putting an animal to sleep in their home is that you can avoid the stressful visit to the vet, the anxiety of being around barking or even just strange-smelling other pets, and the cold, hard floors. With an in home pet euthanasia, there’s no need to rush to find the closest clinic in Fremont, you can have the vet come to you.

Another benefit that you may want to consider is how you can use this opportunity to let the whole family be present at the time of your pet’s passing. Though it’s difficult for younger children to have to lose a pet, parents can choose to take this opportunity to teach them in the moment about passing on and how it’s okay to be sad. It’s tough to know when a child is ready for that conversation, but being present can help them understand the situation a little bit better sometimes.

You can set up a comfortable bed in your pet’s favorite nook and surround them with all of their best toys. A favorite sunny patch that your pet enjoys or their spot next to the backyard door are common choices. The veterinarian is there to work with you to make it as stress-free as possible for your pet.

Perhaps most important of all, the Veterinarian’s job is to help you decide when it’s the right time to finally say goodbye to your pet. They can offer a quality of life assessment that gives you the information you need, and give you a professional and knowledgeable opinion.

If you’re interested in looking into in home pet euthanasia services in the Fremont, WA area, consider reaching out to Montgomery Mobile.